Sumitomo Pharma’s DX

By implementing a data-driven decision-making process, all value chains will make continued efforts to innovate operations and create value

A Data-driven Organization that Propels Itself Autonomously
Digital data is used as a matter of fact

Optimal Use of In-house Technologies Acquired through Strategic Investment(DrugOME / Digital Innovation)

Corporate Departments Orchestrate DX of the Sumitomo Pharma Group

Introduce Advanced Technologies and Techniques(web3.0, metaverse, quantum computers, etc.)

We acquired DrugOME and Digital Innovation, which are healthcare technology platforms, and the talents to utilize them through strategic investments under our Med-term Business Plan 2022, in order to accelerate the Group’s DX efforts. By making full use of these systems, technologies, and talents, and by setting quantitative targets linked to sales and R&D milestones, we will improve the accuracy of drug discovery, shorten the development period, and stably manufacture drugs that are safe and more reliable than ever, so that we will generate innovative pharmaceuticals and healthcare solutions as well as deliver value to a wider range of healthcare professionals, patients and their families.
To contribute to the health and wellbeing of people, we will accelerate our DX efforts by focusing on the creation and enhancement of business value, and promote our “transformation into a data-driven pharmaceutical company” and “new value creation and operational reforms” to achieve sustained growth.


Frontier Business

Anticipating the advent of an era in which it will be difficult to achieve the “required level of well-being” through pharmaceuticals alone, we are promoting the “frontier business” with the aim of providing new healthcare solutions other than pharmaceuticals, while also utilizing digital transformation (DX) technologies. We will focus on the areas of mental resilience (preventing deterioration by neuropsychiatric disorders by detecting their signs at an early stage) and active aging (improving, maintaining and enhancing the health of the elderly by enhancing their health awareness) as areas where we can expect synergies with our pharmaceutical business, and aim to establish them as growth engines through our core technologies (information, engineering, etc.) and business infrastructure such as networks (alliances, venture investments, etc.).


Sumitomo Pharma Selected as One of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Noteworthy DX Companies 2021

Sumitomo Pharma Selected as One of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Noteworthy DX Companies 2021 Sumitomo Pharma Selected as One of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Noteworthy DX Companies 2021 Sumitomo Pharma was selected as one of the "Noteworthy DX Companies" in June 2021 for the second consecutive year.
This is in recognition of our wide-ranging DX initiatives, including the integration of not only IT and digital but also our group companies and each department, the creation of a DX promotion system that raises the level of digital literacy and mindset of the entire company, the development of digital workplaces, and the company's efforts in data-driven drug discovery research and digital therapeutics (DTx) using in silico drug discovery technology.
From 2020, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) selects as "Digital Transformation (DX) Stocks" companies that are working on "Digital Transformation (DX)", which is a drastic change in business models, etc., based on digital technology, and will lead to new growth and enhanced competitiveness. In addition, companies that are implementing noteworthy initiatives from the perspective of expanding the scope of DX are selected as "Noteworthy DX Companies," which are second to "DX Stocks."

Reference: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry website (in Japanese only)