About Sumitomo Pharma R&D Capabilities

Position We Aspire to Establish by 2033​

Establish position as a Global Specialized Player (GSP)​

We will establish a unique position globally by contributing to the betterment of healthcare and fuller lives of people worldwide through diverse approaches including pharmaceutical products, Regenerative Medicine/Cell Therapy, and non-pharmaceutical solutions, focusing on the Psychiatry & Neurology, and Oncology areas as our priority disease areas.​

    • Small molecule

      Small molecule

      based on accumulated

    • Regenerative
      medicine/cell therapy

      Regenerative medicine/cell therapy

      Know-how acquired by
      pioneering initiatives

    • Non-pharmaceutical


      To be developed
      in the
      resilience area

    • Other modalities

      Other modalities

      Pursuit of optimal

    • Psychiatry & Neurology Area

      Diverse approaches to innovate
      the conventional treatment system

      • Our core area
      • Accumulated data, experience, and know-how
    • Oncology Area

      Distinguished products to innovate
      standard treatment

      • Carefully selected R&D pipeline
      • Unique fundamentals for drug discovery
    • Other Areas

      Deliver value to patients by
      leveraging our assets

      • Women’s health issues, urological diseases, diabetes
      • Rare diseases, infectious diseases

Psychiatry & Neurology Area

The Psychiatry & Neurology Area is a disease area with high unmet medical needs and a significant impact on healthy life expectancy. We have a rich track record and expertise in the research and development of numerous products over the years. In addition to the drug discovery of small molecule, we are also challenging new modalities such as Regenerative Medicine/Cell Therapy Business and Frontier Business.

We are engaged in drug discovery using advanced technologies (in silico, biomarkers, iPS cells, etc.), on the strength of our experience with continuous product creation and our R&D know-how. We conduct competitive drug discovery research based on our proprietary drug discovery technology platform, which we have built by incorporating cutting-edge technologies.

  • Number of compounds under development (Small molecule)


  • As of July 31, 2024

Oncology Area

Through our research and development activities to date, we have gained various insights, strengthened our drug discovery capabilities, and created multiple development pipelines with unique characteristics. Capitalizing on these strengths, we will continue to focus on research and development in the oncology area, which has high unmet medical needs.

In drug discovery, we aim to create innovative new drugs by enhancing our competitiveness through initiatives such as the development of modalities using our own novel technologies and joint research with academia. We will also strengthen collaboration between research and development and engage in translational research* to increase the probability of success.

  • *Translational research: Research that links research results to patient treatment in clinical development
  • Number of compounds under development


  • As of July 31, 2024

Regenerative Medicine/Cell Therapy Business

This is a field with great market potential due to our ability to take advantage of the accumulated research and comprehensive capabilities built up by Sumitomo Pharma and Sumitomo Chemical over many years, and to approach the treatment of diseases that cannot be solved by existing therapeutic agents.

We are a top runner in the commercialization of iPS cell-derived regenerative medicine and cell therapy products with a strong network with academia and biotech companies, our own production facility "SMaRT", manufacturing know-how and other technological infrastructure.
We are working to achieve early commercialization through our open-innovation-based unique growth model, which pursues advanced industrialization and manufacturing expertise, and cutting-edge science.

  • Number of programs


  • As of July 31, 2024

Pre-clinical/Clinical Research Program

Cell type/Product code Proposed indication Region Development stage
(Allo iPS cell-derived)
Retinitis pigmentosa Japan Clinical research
U.S. Pre-clinical
Neural progenitor cells
(Allo iPS cell-derived)
Spinal cord injury Japan Clinical research
Nephron progenitor cells
(Auto/ Allo iPS cell-based induced)
Kidney failure Japan, U.S. Pre-clinical

Frontier Business

In the Frontier Business, to respond to future needs in the healthcare area, we will build business platform consisting of key technologies (including ICT and engineering) and external networks (including partnership with startups and venture capitals) in areas where we can create synergies with pharmaceutical business to respond to future diversified needs for healthcare.

  • Number of major programs


  • As of July 31, 2024