Jun. 11, 2024 D&I

【Initiative to Promote Understanding of LGBTQ+ Issues: Participation in the First "Pride1000" Networking Event】

On April 21, 2024, Atsuko Higuchi, Executive Officer of Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd., participated in the first "Pride1000" networking event organized by "work with Pride."

The first "Pride1000" networking event was held with the aim of fostering interaction among members of "Pride1000." This is the first attempt as an interactive event. Approximately 40 executives participated, and each shared their challenges, concerns, and successful case studies related to LGBTQ+ themes. Furthermore, a brief update lecture on the current LGBTQ+ landscape in Japan was conducted during the event.

Message from Atsuko Higuchi After Participated in the Event

"I participated in the work with Pride event for the first time. At Pride1000, which focused on networking, I had the opportunity to talk with other executives from different companies and individuals who have been involved as LGBTQ+ community members in our company's seminar, which was extremely inspiring and impactful. Later, I also participated in the parade, and the weather was perfect. It was impressive to walk in the middle of Shibuya on the road, with many people cheering along the route, waving hands, flags, and taking pictures. Throughout the event, everyone was enjoying themselves, and I also had a great time."

The organizer and Atsuko Higuchi

The organizer and Atsuko Higuchi

The post-event parade (voluntary participation)

The post-event parade (voluntary participation)

What is "Pride1000"?

This network was established to expand the circle of allies among corporate executives, particularly those who understand and support LGBTQ+ issues, with the purpose of spreading positive messages. In November 2023, the network started with the participation of 18 companies and 23 executives. The 23 executives who initiated the network are referred to as the “Spokespersons." Atsuko Higuchi is one of the 23 Spokespersons nationwide.

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Our initiatives towards Diversity & Inclusion

We are actively implementing initiatives on diversity and inclusion, with the executive officer in charge of human resources taking the lead. Our employees have diverse attributes, including gender, age, midcareer/straight-from-school hire, Japanese/non-Japanese nationality, and permanent/fixed-term employment. We believe it is of fundamental importance to offer fair and equitable opportunities to all employees hoping to display their full capabilities and potential, regardless of these attributes. Specific ongoing actions include change in managers' way of thinking and institutional programs to encourage choice of diverse ways of working.

For more information, please see the following page.