Jun. 27, 2024 Environmental

【Support of “Decokatsu” initiative: Switching the Purchased Electricity at the Tokyo Head Office to 100% Renewable Energy】

Sumitomo Pharma made the "Decokatsu" declaration in January 2024. The Ministry of the Environment promotes a national movement to change people's behavior and lifestyles toward the achievement of the 2030 GHG emission reduction target and carbon neutrality in 2050. The movement is named "Decokatsu," combining "DE" carbonization, "ECO," and "Katsu" (Japanese word for activity and lifestyle). The various national initiatives, including "COOL CHOICE," that we have undertaken until December 2023, have transitioned to the "Decokatsu."

As part of our environmental initiatives, we have set a goal to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1 + 2 *1) by 42% compared to fiscal 2020 levels by fiscal 2030. Already, our production sites in Japan (Suzuka Plant and Oita Plant) have switched to 100% renewable energy for their purchased electricity. Our Tokyo Head Office have started follow suit, focusing on reducing GHG emissions*2 since April 1, 2024.

*1 Scope 1: Direct emissions of greenhouse gases from ourselves (fuel combustion, industrial processes)
    Scope 2: Indirect emissions from consumption of electricity, heating, cooling and steam supplied by other parties

*2 For more information on our company’s climate change response and roadmap for reducing GHG emissions, please see the "Metrics and Targets" section in "Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations (Response to Climate Change).”

Sumitomo Pharma Tokyo Head Office

“Decokatsu” initiative throughout our entire company.


Additionally, we conducted environmental education focused on the theme of "Carbon Neutrality" for all employees to raise awareness of our environmental efforts during "Environmental Month" in June.

Sumitomo Pharma Group identifies "Promoting Environmental Initiatives" as one of the Material Issues critical to achieving both social sustainability and our own sustained growth. Our executives and employees actively engage in corporate activities aligned with the declaration to address global environmental challenges and enhance sustainable corporate value.