Apr. 30, 2024 Global Health

【Completion of the “Project to Strengthen Community Care and Support Network for Childre” in Kampong Cham Province, Cambodia】

We have supported the health improvement program for mothers and children in Cambodia under the leadership of NPO People's Hope Japan since 2016.
The "Child Care Support Network Strengthening Project" targeting Kampong Cham Province, which began in 2019, had become a self-sustained activity in the community. We have confirmed that the strengthening of the health support network involving the community, health centers, and local administration will continue, and the project has been completed in 2023.

This project aims to promote the healthy growth and development of children by forming a network between health center staff and village volunteers and disseminating knowledge and encouraging practices related to childcare in the community.

Regular home visits targeting expectant and nursing mothers by community care volunteers have provided the effectiveness of health education for families, including men, and the decreasing in harmful habits that may affect the health of expectant and nursing mothers. Additionally, we have observed improvement in the knowledge scores of caregivers who participate in practical cooking classes for baby food preparation and nutrition education, confirming the development of an environment that supports the healthy growth of children.

We will continue to support efforts towards further enhancing infrastructure support in developing countries.

Home visit by community care volunteers for mothers and newborns

Children eating baby food prepared during cooking classes